September 12, 2022
Healthcare Technology SHARE
The Opportunities For Healthcare In The Metaverse
The Metaverse has been inundating the news recently as a way to usher in a new era of virtual reality for teenagers, digital connectivity for adults, and e-commerce for businesses. However, can it do more? If you are one to believe that the Metaverse is just another online distraction, think again. Research believes there are abundant healthcare opportunities in this intricate and virtual universe. To understand its real impact on the world of medicine, it’s essential to know what makes Metaverse so diverse.
So, What Exactly is the Metaverse?
The Metaverse is a one-stop destination for all virtual communication needs. It aims to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) onto a single platform. This means you can basically access everything and interact with anything here. That said, it is a universe that is continuously growing – designed to incorporate networks and present a more immersive reality. A space like that could bring great value and efficiency to healthcare. Here’s how:
Enhanced Telemedicine
Online medical consultations, an integrated system for monitoring patients remotely, and seamless home delivery of medication revolutionized post-pandemic healthcare. These systems have helped patients connect with their healthcare practitioners even when the world was under lockdown. Moreover, they created a scope for patients in remote villages to access better quality healthcare. Virtual reality headsets can further enhance this technology by creating a more realistic interactive experience. As opposed to websites, video calls, or apps, virtual reality in the Metaverse can take the patient-doctor relationship a step further.
Access to the Best of Healthcare
The Metaverse enables not just access to healthcare, but will also allow you to get your hands on the cream of the crop. This means you can sit in a clinic in the USA, even though physically you are in India. The doctor doesn’t have to rely on your explanation of the symptoms, they can examine you to a certain extent. This can also be beneficial to people seeking therapy, especially in the field of hypnotherapy or aversion therapy. These require the medical practitioner to be present with you and virtual reality does that.
Creating a Dummy Patient
The Digital Twin technology has been able to tap into creating digital replicas of objects. In the Metaverse, this can be taken a notch higher by creating digital dummies of the patients themselves. This can help healthcare professionals test the best options for offering care from reactions to medications to consequences of surgery and so on. This will reduce post-surgery mortality rates by a significant number and prevent other accidents in healthcare.
Decentralization of Data
Blockchain technology continues to make a name for itself for offering the safe distribution of decentralized data. This means all your information will be transferred as code and no one can tamper with it apart from you. Experts believe that blockchains can have a massive impact on the healthcare system in the Metaverse owing to their many benefits. Highly classified, sensitive healthcare data that is currently extremely vulnerable to exposure can be stored and exchanged securely in the blockchain. It can save hospitals and other healthcare organizations the financial loss of millions and protect the privacy of patients too.
The Metaverse is an ever-growing universe where the possibilities of convergence and creation are endless. It has a long way to go in order to be fully incorporated into a system that continues to prefer traditional methods, however, Its many possibilities make it perfect for creating a more streamlined healthcare system that is accessible to everyone.