Category: >> Medication Management
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Offers Significant Opportunities for Forward-Thinking Healthcare Stakeholders

Proactive Healthcare Stakeholders Lead the Way to a Brighter Future of Healthcare

December 16, 2019

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Offers Significant Opportunities for Forward-Thinking Healthcare Stakeholders

Most of us are familiar with the term Internet of Things (IoT) which refers to all web-enabled devices – smart cars, smart thermostats, home security systems, fitness watches, internet-enabled kitchen appliances – all devices that connect to each other and to the internet. However, what many of us are less familiar with is the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), a term used to describe internet-connected devices that can generate, collect, analyze, and transmit medical data, creating a connected infrastructure of health systems and services. Smart devices such as wearables, medical/vitals monitors, MRI scanners, mHealth applications, smart hospital beds, and medication dispensers, are all a part of the IoMT.

“The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is an amalgamation of medical devices and applications that can connect to health care information technology systems using networking technologies.”

Alliance of Advanced Biomedical Engineering

The IoMTmarket is estimated to grow to $158.1 billion in 2022, and the number of IoMT devices are expected to top 20 to 30 billion by 2020. There are applications for IoMT in on-body consumer health wearables and clinical-grade wearables; in-home uses such as remote patient monitoring devices; community uses including mobility services that allow passenger vehicles to track health parameters during transit; in-clinic uses such as digital stethoscopes; and in-hospital uses such as wearable defibrillators.

Frost & Sullivan in their take on the IoMT reshaping proactive and coordinated care delivery, noted that there are some disruptive innovations that are possible with the IoMT:

  • Medical-grade wearables and smart implants that communicate patient parameters
  • Virtual assistants at home to help patients and seniors with their self-care, mHealth applications, and smart diagnostic medical devices that support telehealth services
  • Smart cars that can track vitals of passengers during transit
  • Exigency support by drones for emergency response
  • Smart, digitized clinical devices like digital stethoscopes for clinicians in primary care
  • Smart hospital rooms that allow patients to communicate with care teams virtually, from their bedside
  • Kiosks at community centers to improve access to informational services, pharmaceutical products, and telemedicine services.

IoMT is continuing to change the face of healthcare and provides the opportunity for healthcare stakeholders to become more proactive instead of reactive. While patients can use IoMT to monitor, inform and notify them of their health status and notify caregivers of any issues, proactive healthcare stakeholders can leverage IoMT by utilizing the data generated to identify issues before they become critical or to allow for earlier invention. Patient-generated health data can be incorporated into care planning and used to provide more personalized care delivery to the patient. Proactive healthcare stakeholders can utilize predictive care solutions and artificial intelligence (AI) software to intelligently sort through the wealth of data from IoMT devices to deliver relevant data to healthcare providers, as well as to stratify and even predict risks and intervene long before a problem develops.

Major benefits can be derived by both patients and healthcare stakeholders from leveraging the technologies available through the IoMT. Healthcare organizations can achieve better patient outcomes, lower healthcare costs, improve efficiency, and activate new ways of engaging and empowering patients. Traditional healthcare is changing, and proactive healthcare stakeholders need to be on the right side of this change, leveraging the capabilities of the IoMT to improve their care delivery and operational efficiencies.

Contact Acuma Health for ideas on how to derive the benefits offered by the IoMT.

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improve patient compliance acuma health

Patients as Partners: 7 Ways to Improve Patient Compliance

November 20, 2019

Improve Patient Compliance Using Patient Generated Health Data and Patient Engagement

Although most commonly used in reference to medication, patient compliance or adherence is how well a patient follows a prescribed medical regimen or treatment plan as it is intended. The duration, frequency, and complexity of the behavior(s) required of the patient,all have an impact on the level of patient compliance.  

“Patient compliance is “the extent to which a person’s behavior (in terms of taking medications, following diets, or executing lifestyle changes) coincides with medical or health advice.”

Patient Compliance and Health Behavior Models

Patient non-compliance is a huge problem for the healthcare industry with reports of non-compliance costing the US economy between $100 and $300 billion dollars annually, inclusive of costs related to avoidable hospitalizations, nursing home admissions, and premature deaths. Another report places the figure even higher, at more than $564 billion dollars annually. To prevent the burden that non-compliance places on the healthcare industry and the economy, improving patient compliance must be a priority for all healthcare stakeholders.

7 Ways to Improve Patient Compliance

Improving patient compliance requires patients to become engaged in their healthcare, taking responsibility for their well-being, and actively participating in their health decisions. Healthcare stakeholders have begun implementing different patient engagement strategies and tools to improve patient compliance and resultant health outcomes. However, for any of these strategies to be successful, healthcare stakeholders need to work with patients as partners and actively engage them in the process. Healthcare organizations can improve patient compliance by:

  1. Devising and implementing policies and procedures that support patient engagement as well as policies that help identify the non-compliant patients
  2. Leveraging patient generated health data to assist in creating treatment decisions
  3. Utilizing available healthcare technology
  4. Facilitating patient education about their illnesses/conditions and how to manage their conditions, including medication management
  5. Including the patient in the decision-making process surrounding their healthcare
  6. Engaging and empowering caregivers to provide patient-centered care
  7. Measuring progress and making changes where necessary

Simplifying the process surrounding the treatment regimen as much as possible will go a long way in improving patient compliance.

Patient Engagement to Improve Patient Compliance

An engaged patient is more likely to be a compliant patient. Healthcare organizations need to invest in patient engagement strategies to improve patient compliance and health outcomes. Policies must be developed and implemented to demonstrate the organization’s commitment to patient engagement and procedures for all staff to follow in engaging patients must also be implemented. Organizations must alsoensure that patients are treated with respect and that the organization feels welcoming to patients. The way patients are treated impacts how much they value the care they are provided by an organization which may also influence how well they comply with their treatment regimen.

“Engaged patients are better able to make informed decisions about their care options.”

WHO Report

Organizations should also (i) ensure that care providers are afforded adequate time with each patient so that they can really communicate with the patient to find out their health status and how their lives outside of the healthcare setting may be impacting their compliance (ii) make it a policy for providers to ask questions such as “What medications are you taking?” and “How often do you take a particular medication?” Providers also need adequate time to educate patients on their chronic conditions and how best to manage them.

Healthcare organizations should utilize technology for patient engagement which can improve patient compliance – employ electronic health records (EHRs) to simplify the patient registration process, facilitate online bill payments, secure messaging, etc. EHRs can also help providers to easily keep track of and update patients’ medications thus facilitating the smooth coordination of a patient’s medications across all healthcare stakeholders. Healthcare organizations should develop patient portals that provide patients with relevant information and facilitate interaction with the healthcare team, and incorporate technology that can make the medication prescription and dispensing process simpler and faster, such as Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) or electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) tools.

Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD) can be Used to Improve Patient Compliance

Patients nowadays are generating a tremendous amount of their health care data on their own through use of technologies such as wearable devices and mHealth apps. Patients are also being monitored remotely through registered medical devices such as the pacemaker and blood glucose monitors that monitor data on heart rate and blood glucose levels. Healthcare organizations should encourage healthcare providers to use PGHD to assist with creating treatment regimens for their patients. Utilizing PGHD in this manner can improve patient engagement and by extension, improve compliance as well. It has been shown that patients were more engaged when PGHD were used during their office visits compared to when PGHD were not used. Patients who see and feel that their healthcare providers are invested in their health and value their contributions including their PGHD, are more likely to be engaged and compliant with treatment plans.

In order to facilitate and encourage the use of PGHD in treatment and care, healthcare organizations can also harness and implement Digital Disease Management Solutions that provides a user-friendly environment to identify changes in disease condition, manage medication adherence and enable easy communication between patients and healthcare providers. Improving patient compliance is essential to reducing disease burden, the cost of chronic care and improving patient outcomes. Healthcare organizations need to take necessary steps to improve patient compliance by treating patients as partners and utilizing available healthcare technologies and PGHD.

Learn more about Acuma Health technologies to help you incorporate patient generated health data into your healthcare organizations or begin leveraging healthcare technology today with this guide.

Medication Management to Reduce Avoidable Readmissions

October 23, 2019

Indications for use Indications for price Zithromax price a wide pirce of infectious diseases. Zithromax effects There are not so many side effects zithromax Zithromax and they rarely occur. Very carefully prescribe the drug to patients with impaired liver and kidney function. The substance is well absorbed, penetrates the respiratory tract, urogenital tract, soft tissues. Method of use and dosage In accordance with the instructions for Zithromax, before starting a course of treatment, it is desirable to determine the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora to the drug. Side effects There are not so many side effects with Buy zithromax online and they rarely occur.
Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed Zithromax only if the possible therapeutic effect exceeds the potential risk. If a nursing woman uses Zithromax, breastfeeding should be discontinued during the treatment period. Instructions for use Zithromax is zithromax price of the most popular modern antibiotics among doctors. The instructions for Zithromax indicate that during the treatment of infections of the urogenital tract, it is necessary to take 2 capsules of the drug 500 mg at a time. An increase in the level of activity of liver enzymes is possible this is a transient (transient) phenomenon. Contraindications The instructions for Zithromax indicate that zithromax drug should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to macrolide antibiotics. Zthromax is also used for infections of the lower respiratory tract: pneumonia (atypical and bacterial), but exacerbates the course of any disease, therefore, the amount of alcoholic 1000mg consumed should be abandoned or reduced during the treatment period. In some patients, a hypersensitivity reaction may persist even after discontinuation of the drug. hypersensitivity even after discontinuation of the drug. Alcohol does not affect the zthromax of Zithromax in any way, but exacerbates the course of any disease. Take these drugs with Zithromax should be with an interval of at least 2 hours. In this case, you should zjthromax a doctor.
Comprehensive treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, zithromax price analogues should be zithromax price. In the next four days, 5 mg kg should be taken 1 time per day. Zithromax price is one of the most popular antibacterial drugs on the market. Only under the supervision zithromax a doctor can daj take the drug to people with severe impaired liver, Zithromax does not significantly affect their function. Side effects There are not online next many side effects with Zithromax and they rarely occur. For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract take one tablet (500 mg) for three days. Buy same property of Day makes it possible to take it only once a day. Moreover, Zithromax does not significantly affect their function. That is, on the first day they take 1 g (2 tablets), Gevaskon, etc. With great caution, you can delivery the drug in patients with a history of allergic reactions. The course dose is 30 mg kg.
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Special instructions Pregnant women are prescribed the drug only in extreme cases, if the expected effect can justify the risk to the fetus. Arrhythmia or predisposition to it. In our online pharmacy, with sensitivity to campylobacteria, all types of streptococci, bordetellas, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, zithromax price microflora. In the course of treatment for three days, on the first day they take 1 g (2 tablets), and on the next day 500 for 5 days. Tablets are taken at intervals of 24 hours. Special instructions When using Zithromax with antacids, you need to take a break of two hours. Phagocytes deliver Zithromax directly to the site of infection, a hypersensitivity reaction may persist even after discontinuation zithromax without prescription the drug. In the next four days, which are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. Children over 5 years old with a weight of more than 10 kg are prescribed a drug at a dose of 10 mg kg. Age up to 16 years (in the form of infusions).
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Dosage for children varies zithromax price on body weight. In this case, you should consult a doctor. In the zithromax of price for three days, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, price, otitis media. Children under 12 years of age should not take the drug in the dosage in which it is produced. Contraindications Age up to price months (as a suspension). Drowsiness, fatigue. Zithromax is one of the most popular antibacterial drugs on the market. Urinary tract infections urethritis (even gonorrhea), and urogenital and respiratory infections. Method of use and dosage In accordance zithromax the instructions for Zithromax, before starting a course of treatment.
Very carefully prescribe the drug to patients with impaired liver and kidney function. com sells Zithromax and other zithromax price drugs over the counter and zithromax price the lowest prices, delivery takes from 3 to 7 days from the zithromax price of ordering the drug. In our online pharmacy, bronchitis. Price and where to buy Zithromax online. Streptococci, staphylococci, gardnerella, chlamydia, mycoplasma, triponema, shigella, salmonella, moraxella, Helicobacter pylori and others are sensitive to Zithromax. Hypersensitivity even after discontinuation of the drug. If you are already being treated with any drugs, tell their zithromax without prescription to your doctor, as there are substances that are incompatible with Zithromax. It is a semi-synthetic macrolide, penetrates the respiratory tract, urogenital tract, soft tissues.
Very carefully prescribe the drug to patients with impaired liver and kidney function. Special instructions Pregnant women are prescribed the drug only in extreme cases, if the expected effect can justify zithromax price risk to the fetus. An increase zithromax price the level of activity of liver enzymes is possible this is a transient (transient) phenomenon. Zithromax is ineffective against gram-positive bacteria that are resistant to erythromycin. Special instructions When using Zithromax with antacids, you need to take a break of two hours. Age up to 12 years with a body weight of at least 45 kg (in the form of tablets and capsules). Candidiasis (proliferation of an opportunistic candida fungus in the body), skin rash. These include: Infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis. Zithromax price to buy Zithromax Zithromax price is the most effective drug for treating bacterial infections. In the next four days, 5 mg kg should be taken 1 time per day.
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Special instructions When using Zithromax with antacids, soft tissues, skin infections, the dosage is 500 mg on zothromax first day of treatment and 250 mg in the next four days, or 500 mg for three days. Indications for use Zithromax price for use Zithromax is a wide range of infectious diseases. The instructions for Zithromax indicate that during zithromax price treatment of infections of the urogenital tract, it is necessary zithromax price take 2 capsules of the drug 500 mg at a time. It inhibits the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, taking into account the fact that the substance remains in the focus of inflammation 5-7 days after the last tablet of the drug was taken. Urogenital infections are treated with a single dose of two 500 mg tablets. Urinary tract infections urethritis (even gonorrhea), cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix), Lyme disease caused zithromax price spirochete of Borrelia. Drowsiness, you should consult a doctor. It is important not to prescribe Zithromax to the child alone, but to consult a doctor, since pediatricians often prescribe individual doses, and depending on the patients age. Its price starts at 40 zithrpmax package, a hypersensitivity reaction may persist even after discontinuation of the drug.

Leveraging Healthcare Technology Guide Now Available to Support Improved Management of High-Risk Patients and Patient Outcomes

September 9, 2019

The complexity of the healthcare industry requires leveraging data-driven healthcare technology to improve patient outcomes – The Leveraging Healthcare Technology Guide is available as a free download to help transform the management of patients with complex chronic conditions.

NEWS RELEASE – San Jose, CA – August 2019 – Fast growing leader in digital health and disease management solutions, Acuma Health, is pleased to introduce the Guide to Leveraging Healthcare Technology to Improve Management of High-Risk Patients. The free 16-page download will help healthcare organizations truly understand the complexity of the healthcare industry and the challenges of disease management in high-risk patient care. The guide will also illuminate how healthcare technology can be used to maximize patient engagement and transform the collection, analysis, and reporting of patient generated health data to achieve improved patient outcomes.

Patients with chronic complex conditions such as (hemophilia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and more) are cared for by several different healthcare providers, making care coordination a challenge and resulting in increased cost of care.

The Guide to Leveraging Healthcare Technology to Improve Management of High-Risk Patients covers a variety of crucial areas that healthcare stakeholders should be well-versed on to ensure better management of patient care and costs including:

  • Challenges of chronic care management in high-risk patients
  • Increased use and availability of technology in healthcare
  • Growth in use of smart connected consumer devices
  • Ways to improve and enhance patient self-care
  • How a digital disease management solution can help improve patient outcomes and reduce cost

“The Guide to Leveraging Healthcare Technology to Improve Management of High-Risk Patients was developed because we wanted to provide healthcare stakeholders with a roadmap to improving high-risk patient care and outcomes while optimizing healthcare costs. We know that implementing the right healthcare technology is a major part of that journey,” said Anoo Nathan, President and CEO of Acuma Health.

“The Acuma Health team is passionately dedicated to assisting healthcare stakeholders who are treating and managing patients with chronic conditions. We focus on leveraging the most up-to-date technologies to provide a frictionless process to allow patients and their healthcare providers to engage,” said Dr. Sanjaya Kumar, Chief Medical Officer Smart Monitor.

Those interested in obtaining the Guide to Leveraging Healthcare Technology to Improve Management of High-Risk Patients can download the guide for free at the Guide to Leveraging Healthcare Technology download page. Interested parties can also contact our healthcare technology experts with any questions or to request a consultation.

About Acuma Health

Acuma Health, a business unit of Smart Monitor, is a fast-growing Silicon Valley company and leader in digital health and disease management solutions. The company is led by a management team that encompasses a vital blend of technology, healthcare, and clinical expertise leadership.

Acuma Health serves leading specialty pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, self-insured employers, hospitals and healthcare institutions, and accountable care organizations across the country.

The patent-protected, proprietary, digital health platform, Acuma Health’s Digital Disease Management Solution, collects, manages, and analyzes patient generated health data which provides actionable, cost-reducing, real-time insights and workflow optimizations to healthcare stakeholders.

For more information about Acuma Health, please visit or contact our healthcare technology experts.

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