Outcomes Analytics and Reporting for Drug Manufacturers for Risk-based Contracts and Clinical Benchmarking
Good news about a record-setting number of new drug approvals in 2018 was tempered by political and financial pressure to lower drug prices and contain costs. Americans spend roughly $1 billion a day on prescription drugs. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) projects that the spending of these healthcare dollars will rise 6.3% per year on average over the next decade. In response to this, there is increasing healthcare stakeholders’ interest in outcomes-based contracts between drug manufacturers and private payers, in which rebate levels are tied to specified outcomes in the target population.
The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Accelerated Approval Program allows for faster approval of drugs for serious conditions that fill an unmet medical need. This approval relies on use of surrogate endpoints. Drugs with accelerated approval still need to demonstrate clinical benefit via the FDA’s Phase 4 confirmatory trials.
Outcomes data on prescription drugs is essential for drug manufacturers for:
Phase 4 confirmatory trials for drugs with accelerated approval
Ehance Risk-based contract performance
Optimize Clinical benchmarking
In the past, healthcare stakeholders had limited access to meaningful metrics for outcomes analysis.
Now, Acuma Health’s Digital Disease Management (DDM) Solution provides timely outcomes data which includes medication management (adherence and utilization), efficacy, medication adverse effects, and the entire patient experience. This disease management solution covers a range of complex chronic conditions – served by expensive drugs with multifaceted protocols.